


FREE Fat Loss Tips
Tiny Belly Tricks Presentation...


In this fast-paced FREE presentation on the next page, you will also discover:

How we used this 1 unusual technique to burn more fat by eating more of these delicious fat burning foods that also fight your cravings...
How this unique, simple and quick way of moving skyrocketed our energy, fat loss and fitness. Hint: it's the exact opposite of boring cardio, but with no cardio at all...
My 1 weird old tip of a flatter belly, and how this trimmed our stomachs much faster than boring and painful 'abs' exercises...
How this tasty little dish we ate late at night actually boosted one of the most powerful fat loss hormones in our bodies while we slept the night away...
How we accessed this old motivation technique for a leaner, healthier body so powerful, it's been passed down for decades & used by some of the hottest celebrities still today...


Why Haven't More Women & Men Who Struggle
With Their Weight Been Shown These FACTS?

1. Fad Diets That Work? Forget It!...

You WON'T lose weight fast and keep it off by only eating low carb diets, low fat diets, or low calorie diets. The truth is, fast weight loss that lasts comes down to a diet that works, but that is right for you. You're going to discover an easy way you can force your body into burning more calories by eating more of these delicious and healthy fat burning foods that fight your cravings...

2. Cardio Doesn't Work Like This...
Those long and frequent cardio or aerobic workouts from quick weight loss programs are among the WORST WAYS to burn fat. You're going to see how to boost your fat loss and fitness results by exercising in almost the complete OPPOSITE manner with these tips for just 45 minutes a WEEK or less...with no separate cardio at all!

3. You Probably Won't Lose Any Real Belly Fat With Sit-ups & Ab Gizmos...
1000's of crunches, sit ups, or those crappy infomercial abs gizmos WILL NOT allow you to lose much belly fat or give you a flatter stomach and certainly not six pack abs. You're going to learn how to lose stomach fat much faster with these full body exercises that don't actually target your abs at all...

4. Late Night Eating Can Actually Help Burn Fat & Fight Cravings...
Going to bed hungry is actually one of the WORST THINGS YOU CAN DO. You're going to discover you can boost fat loss in your body by eating the right type of tasty little dish an hour or so before you go to sleep...

5. The 'Fat Burning Zone' Is A BIG Mistake...
The "fat burning zone" you see on most cardio machines is actually the LAST THING you want to follow to burn the most body fat. You're going to burn fat and calories for up to 3 days like we do with this VERY DIFFERENT rapid and simple workout that takes an average of just 15-20 minutes...

6. 'Toning' Your Muscles Doesn't Work...
Trying to "tone" your body by using light weights or high repetitions is a BIG WASTE OF TIME. You will experience nearly ZERO results this way, especially after a few weeks. But now you're going to see how to start cutting stubborn pounds... all while sculpting a leaner and sexier body that will burn your stored body fat for energy with this 1 overlooked technique...

We've specifically created the FBF system to be straight forward and easy to understand...

You quickly put it in place... and you're ready to get started.

Now... take all that extra time you would be spending counting calories, measuring portions... bouncer-cising... and put that time into enjoying your new life.

Travel... see the world... make new friends... fall in love...

You deserve that.

And you deserve a plan that can get you there faster... without taking up too much of your time and effort.

Securing your copy is simple... easy...

...and the cost is tiny.

How tiny? Well... since Kalen's the one who loves to make comparisons, I'm going to step away from the keyboard now and turn it over to her for a minute...

Thanks honey! Hi... it's me, Kalen.

Now how can I compare Fat Burning, our 15 Minute Miracle, to anything else on the market today?

Really I can't.

We haven’t seen any other system set up to be as simple, quick and safe as this one… …and has seemed to work so well for so many different kinds of real people...

So... let's compare pricing instead.

If you wanted to create this system from the ground up, you'd spend thousands hunting down, then hiring the right nutritionists...

...the right trainers.

Plus you'd put in far too many extra hours discovering all the real-life tricks many professionals don't even know about.

Rob and I personally spent more than $23,000.00 over the years on fad diets and wasted infomercial junk.

On top of that he clocked in hundreds of hours in libraries researching, before he discovered the truth.

Do you have that kind of time and money?

A few years ago— before Rob made this discovery— I was shopping around for a personal trainer...

I figured if it worked for the Hollywood celebrities it might work for me. And it really might have. I'll never know, because...

Do you have any idea how much a trainer costs?

$70.00 for one session... MINIMUM! At just three sessions per week that's $10,920.00 per year!

And we're in Michigan!
If you live in a big city somewhere I bet it's a lot more than that.

$70.00 is more than I usually spend at the hair salon... a trainer would be like going to the hair salon three times a week! No way would it make sense to do that.


And those so-called “diet counselors”... don't get me started on them!

For far too many of them, saying their “training” is suspect, is an understatement…

From what my friends tell me, their advice often sounds like this: "Stick with us, just buy more of our supplements and snack bars!"

Counselors? More like salespeople!

No thank you.

We all agree the box food diets and trainers are too expensive and just not right for you.

Now... let's talk a minute about all the money you're throwing away by carrying around that extra fat.

How much more you're going to have to spend on doctors... hospital visits... even just missed work because you feel crappy?

The cost is endless...

Plus the human toll. I mean... how much is your life worth, anyway?

If you were lying in a hospital and the end was near... how much would you gladly pay for an extra year... or even a week?

Now what if you could have all of it for less than the price of just one session with a trainer?

— More fat loss knowledge than a $70.00 per hour personal trainer...

— More uncorrupted nutrition info than a $50.00 per session “diet counselor.”

— No more cardio routines... No more fad diets... No more searching for the next big gimmick.

— Shopping again in regular clothing stores... and wearing outfits that look hot on you from every angle.

— A longer, healthier life. Don't you deserve a good shot at that!

All for less than the price of one hour with a trainer...

How'd I do, Rob?

To learn more about Kalen, click here ...



You get the Fat Burning Blueprint: My brand new, speedy fat loss system gives you the exact step by step plan to igniting your fat burning furnace. These surprising techniques can have you experiencing fat burning for most of your day… and this includes pure fat loss too, not just temporary water loss… guaranteed.

You get a full year of personal e-mail coaching:
If at any point you have a question about any part of this simple program, drop us a note and either Kalen, I or a team member will personally respond. This is a private e-mail address, not some dead link to an email robot. (Just 3 months with the Deluxe plan, the full year is only with the Ultimate plan.)

You get a full year of product updates: Even though we believe this is the best fat loss system on the planet, I'm always studying and searching to find faster, easier and longer-lasting ways to burn fat and keep it off. Others might charge you for these updates. But not FBF. For a full year, all updates are free... through this website today!

You get the FBF Ultimate Success Toolkit:
I'm talking about the progress tracker for all levels of experience so you can keep tabs on your improvements, and a metabolic rate calculator which tells you how many calories you're going to be needing each day for maximum fat loss. And that's just for starters! I'll also include my body fat percentage analyzer to make sure you're losing pure body fat too (not just water) and won't be tricked by the bathroom scale any longer!


One direction leads to the same old, same old. It's you doing exactly what you've done in the past. Hoping against all hope that this time will be the time it finally works.

You know... the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results...

You need to stop the insanity and take the other road...

The road that leads to a better body... a new outlook... a new confidence...

The road that helped us cut the fat, like a knife cutting through 160 sticks of butter...

The road that can lead straight to making you feel brand-new...

And as you’re thinking about putting this system to work for you, you can begin to imagine how amazing you soon can look...

And how sexy, vibrant and alive you can feel when others compliment you. You can begin to feel really confident and comfortable in your improved body...

I know you realize how important it is for you to do this for your family life... for your social life... for your love life.

Most important is that you realize you must do this for no one else but yourself, right now... 


Click here if you're still not convinced ...

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